


Be done feeling "not good enough."

I teach LDS women how to improve their emotional and mental health, decrease feelings of guilt, resentment, and not good enough, while living more connected to their divine worth.

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10 Simple Ways to Improve Your Self-Esteem.

Discover 10 ways to increase how well you value and respect yourself.

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How many of these are true for you?

  • You see yourself as falling short compared to those around you.
  • You give of yourself, again and again, then feel resentful when your efforts aren't recognized or appreciated.
  • You minimize or downplay your talents.
  • While it is okay for others to make mistakes, you criticize yourself when you mess up.
  • You take pride in how busy and exhausted you are.
  • When you have an opinion or concern you stay silent to make sure you don't upset someone else.
  • You apologize when you ask for help or support.
  • You can never quite get to "happy," there are always more things to do or ways you need to improve.
  • You take ownership for the feelings of others while minimizing or ignoring your own.
  • You show up for others who are struggling but see yourself as a burden if you share your struggles.

Is it any wonder you find yourself feeling...





Not Good Enough




I know this struggle.

It feels like it has to be you. If you could just be more organized, disciplined, or faithful. If you could just...lose the 15 pounds, get married, get your degree, be a mom, okay, now be able to stop yelling at your kids, get to church on time, have a clean house, get your dream job...then you could be happy. Except, it's never enough, there is always that next thing.

In my own life and in the lives of the women I've worked with, I've seen this pattern play out again and again. You desire to be a woman who is kind, compassionate, giving, humble, grateful, patient, and yet no matter how hard you try, no matter what you do, you continue to fall short of who you want to be or believe you should be.

Trying to do more, to be more, isn't the answer. You can't earn your worth. Being hard on yourself, judging and criticizing yourself isn't the answer - if it was, how long ago would you have reached your goals?

The good news is...there is another way to live. You can feel peaceful, confident, and joyful, while you continue to learn and grow. The answer to this struggle? Live connected to your Divine Worth while you intentionally create a healthy self-esteem.

So much more than "good enough."

Good enough. Or in other words, adequate, satisfactory, sufficient, or average. Is that how you would describe one of God's creations?

Your loving Heavenly Parents did not create this experience for you to suffer. To stretch and grow, yes. To experience pain at times, yes. But not to be miserable by seeing yourself as constantly falling short. Don't waste another day feeling not good enough.

You are a Divine Daughter. And you are imperfect. That was the plan. It's through your imperfections that you have the opportunity to learn and grow. Honor the Lord, who created you, and yourself, by living true to your worth, even as you are imperfect. Value and respect yourself BECAUSE you are a Divine Daughter.  Start TODAY.

Learn How
Hi there, I'm Sarah —

I support LDS women in intentionally creating a healthy self-esteem.

I'm a well respected psychotherapist, who specializes in women's emotional and mental health. I have more than 25 years of experience and have worked with hundreds of women throughout the United States, Canada, and internationally.

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