
Hi, I'm Sarah

I teach LDS women how to create confidence and peace with who they are in this moment and healthy ways to improve their self-esteem.

My mission

For each woman to be secure in her worth while seeing her imperfections as opportunities for growth. 

It all started with loss.

Chemistry. That was my first major in college. Seriously! Not sure what I was thinking. I clearly had no idea how much math was going to be involved. And then my mom died. This rocked my whole world.

After failing to complete a single class for an entire year, although I started classes each semester, I finally went to therapy. For the first time. It turned out I had a whole lot more to process than just my mother's death.

Like we all do, from a young age I took in messages about who I was supposed to be and how life was supposed to go. These messages came from my very German parents, the community I grew up in, my religion, friends, what I saw in the media. So many places.

My big take away? God did not like me. He was never going to be happy with me or allow me to have what I wanted. In fact, He took pleasure in my pain. Wow, it's hard to write that. It is so far from who I now know God to be.

But back then, it's not surprising, I was miserable and angry. And felt totally powerless. This was the stuff I needed to process in therapy.

And my life began to change. And I felt called to create safe places for others, specifically women, to process the messages that they have taken on and explore what they want to create going forward.

My approach to coaching.

I believe that you need to create room in your life to connect with yourself, more with your heart than your head. I believe in focusing on progress, not perfection. I believe in making mistakes and getting to choose again. I absolutely believe it is a GIFT that we get to continue to learn and grow.

Favorite scripture

Proverbs 3:5-6

Go-to affirmation

I am open to receiving...

Partner in crime

Depends on the day

Loving Right Now

Electric Bike Riding

Always craving

Dark Chocolate

Favorite Hymn

Sunshine in my Soul

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Learn 12 ways to treat yourself with more LOVE.